Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What next?

Britian has unleashed the next greatest thing into the market; storytelling. Now are they not only leaps ahead of us in the field of technology, but they have also surpassed us in their storytelling skills. With Britian's recent explosion in this unique technique of time use, I believe that the imaginative level and cognitive development of young adults and people of all ages will be enhanced, if they embrace it. The lure of this new attraction is still oblivious to me, but if it works in Britian my guess is it won't be too long before storytelling is back in the market for the U.S.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sometimes I feel that the media is taken for granted in today's society. Parents, grandparents, even some aunts and uncles didn't have the privlage that today's youth encounter everyday through media devices. Facebooking, blogging, texting, gps systems, laptops, and I-pods are a part of my everyday life, okay not all of that, but the majority. Considering the media today I feel that if we were less "into it" as a society there would be a greater emphasis placed on conversation and life long learning, as well as less confusion on how to run things. I don't think that we would be technologically backward if we found better ways to spend our time, and sliced our media time in two. The more time spent with ourselves, the more lonely and depressed we can become, and an unhappy society leads to a depressed world; maybe that's why we are in a recession.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Summary 13

Basically personalization and finding a niche are key to obtaining the full potential that the internet and other major forms of communication and mass media in our everyday lives will have. There is no mass media without us there to bring it up to what it could be. Continuing with the formation and pattern that is being set through media trends is the best way to keep up with the way things are going. I feel like if we don't it's not going to hurt anyone but ourselves, and we will be miserable because of it.

Summary 12

Europe has taken on all of the media in order to promote jobs and growth into the digital age. I think that if it works we should do the same, because we need a big boost in the number of jobs we have to pull out of the recent recession. It's great that other countries are moving into technology too!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summary 11

Even though this is an opinion article I found that he brought up some very valid points. I found that he could talk to me like I was standing right in front of him. Some points that were made is that we as the people viewing the products that are being made etc...are essentially in charge of the media, and those who catch onto that idea quick will be leading the market.

Summary 10

I love to blog. I haven't had a blog before this one, but it has become a type of hobby for me. I want to take it a step further, so people will be able to look at my work for what it is worth, and in that sense it will become a bigger part of citizen journalism with some recognition. Citizen Journalism adds intensity and perspective, without it the news would have been loosing some great insights.

Summary 9

This article gave a lot of information and facts, but I thought that they represented them clearly, because they showed my exact view with greater emphasis. I didn't really watch TV when I was younger, I was an outdoor kid all the way. Now, with the new transformation of analog to digital my parents have no TV in their home. I don't think this is a good thing, or a bad thing nessicarily, but I do know that I benefitted greatly from thinking on my own, instead of letting things I learned on TV be implanted there.

Summary 8

I believe that in some cases media can actually benefit the far reaching sights of education. There are of course points to where it can get out of control, but it can be a very effective learning tool. I don't think that starting kids out young will help them develop technological skills because by the time they actually get to use them that technology will most likely be outdated.

Summary 7

New levels of technology have been found in the CD making industrous part of the Sony Company. A new type of media called PERM will be able to hold more information, be more efficent, and work well with the new digital age that we have found ourselves in. Be sure to click on the title to find the articles I used.

Podcast Summary 6

Why not turn off the internet? Many places like colleges such as BYU-Idaho want to restrict websites like Facebook and twitter to promote learning, but it is easier said then done. In places like Iran the restrictions the government has placed is basically closing the internet down in that area. People are still determined to find ways to get around the blockings because they aren’t reliable blocks. By trying to “turn off” the internet in today’s society it’s like closing down an essential utility integrated into life, industry, and business; it would be horrendous. Analog to Digital has confused so many, the question is the change really worth the effort? In most cases yes, but a plethora of Public Education and local channels have been lost, and will now cost money to get back. Also, Elementary students are being allowed, in many places like Washington D.C., the option to use computers and the internet 24/7. The reason is to ignite communication and creation on the new frontier of the internet so kids will be able to advance along with technology. Some say this is irrelevant technology that is being pushed on the kids, but so many others are for it, that it is being implemented all over the U.S.. Electronic books are becoming a bigger part of the world today, with such places online like, Amazon with Kindle and Google’s recent idea for an E-book plan. It is becoming harder for traditional book sellers, but they recognize that this new frontier is where the industry is headed. Book ecosystems, where authors can submit new books online and get reviews on them are still in development. Sometimes I feel like we are placing too much emphasis on the media in our lives, especially with the little kids. Eventually we will come to this realization, but I think it will be too late!